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Land Use Planning

Land use planning is a means of evaluating and directing development within the Town in a way that is logical, efficient and attractive. For more information, please see our Official Plan and Zoning pages.

Good planning will avoid land use conflicts, encourage development that meets the needs of the community and provides a healthy and enjoyable environment for residents and visitors alike.

Planning Services is responsible for all land use, policy and development activities for the Town. 

Greater Napanee's Development Services will assist with all Planning Applications.

Planning Applications can be submitted by:

  • Email to:


  • Mailed to: Town of Greater Napanee Planning Department, 99-A Advance Avenue, Napanee, ON K7R 3Y5 by mail or in person.


Consent Applications:

A Land Consent Application is a planning tool used to divide or reconfigure land, or to grant an easement or right-of-way.

Consent applications are considered by the Committee of Adjustment, under the authority of the Planning Act of Ontario and must conform to the policies of the Official Plan.

Typically, a consent application is processed in approximately 120 days, including agency consultation and public notification. 

Minor Variance Applications:

A Minor Variance Application is a planning tool used to seek relief when a property or building does not meet a provision of the Zoning By-law.

Minor Variance Applications are considered by the Committee of Adjustment, under authority of the Planning Act of Ontario. A typical minor variance generally takes approximately 90 days to process which includes seeking input from the public and various agencies.

Site Plan Control Applications:

A site plan establishes both the design and technical aspects of development proposals. It also ensures that the project blends with the character of the neighbourhood or local business area and meets the Town's development requirements for matters such as site servicing, setbacks, parking requirements and storm water management. Site plan approval is regulated by the Planning Act of Ontario.

The entire Town of Greater Napanee is designated by Council as a "Site Plan Control Area". A building permit cannot be issued and development cannot begin until site plan approval has been obtained.

Under the legislation, the Town can request site plans showing the locations of all facilities and works, elevation drawings showing massing and conceptual design, landscape plans, vehicular and pedestrian access, parking, and grading and drainage.

The Town recommends a pre-consultation meeting be held prior to submission of an Application for Site Plan Approval.

Greater Napanee Planning Fees - Schedule “A” to By-law No. 07-62 (Tariff of Planning Fees By-law) as amended by By-law No. 2020-0046

Type of Application Fee Payable Initial Deposit Payable
Application to
Committee of Adjustment
Minor Variance  $500.00  $0 
Severance / Consent (deposit only required if property is not on municipal water service) $1,000.00 $500.00
Certificate of Validation  $500.00  $1,500.00 
Application for
Zoning By-law Amendment 
Zoning By-law Amendment  $1,000.00  $1,500.00 
Removal of 'H' Symbol  $500.00  $1,000.00 
Application for Official Plan Amendment     
Official Plan Amendment  $1,500.00  $1,500.00 
Application for Plan of Subdivision, Condominium or
Conversion of Rental Property to Condominium etc. 
Request Draft Plan Approval  $2,000.00  $5,000.00 
Amend Draft Plan Conditions  $500.00  $1,500.00 
Request for Final Plan Approval  $2,000.00  $5,000.00 
Amend Subdivision or Condominium Agreement  $500.00  $1,500.00 
Application for
Site Plan Control Agreement 
Minor Site Plan: Up to and including 6 multi-family residential units or commercial/industrial development totaling up to 465 m2 (5,000 ft2) $1,000.00  $1,500.00 
Major Site Plan: Greater than 6 multi-family residential units or commercial/industrial development totaling greater than 465 m2 (5,000 ft2)  $1,500.00  $1,500.00 
Application for Lifting Part-lot Control  $500.00 plus $100.00/lot created  $1,500.00 
Application for Foreclosure or Exercise of Power of Sale  $500.00  $1,500.00 
Sewage System Review Fees:    
Each Lot in a Subdivision or Condominium Application $500.00  
Exercise of Power of Sale Each Severance of Lot Addition Application $500.00  
Minor Variance or Zoning By-law Amendments $450.00  
Minor Variance with a Performance Review $700.00  
Minor Variance with a Permit for the Construction or Installation, Establishment or Alteration of a Class 2, 3, 4 or 5 Sewage System other than a "Class A System"
*Class A System represents flows greater than 4500 litres

All of the foregoing application fees are non-refundable and do not include any external costs that the Municipality may incur in connection with its review of the application. 

A signed Indemnity Agreement forms part of a completed Official Plan Amendment. Municipal Consultants will be used to do the preliminary work and prepare a draft by-law amendment and submit a report to council. These expenses are covered by the applicant.

A Plan of Subdivision is a legal survey that divides a parcel of land into smaller lots or blocks and secures the developer's obligations through a subdivision agreement.

Applications for Plan of Subdivision are made to the Town of Greater Napanee and are required where more than two lots or new roads or extensions to existing roads or services are being created. A Plan of Subdivision is a means of creating lots to be sold individually. The Province of Ontario has delegated authority to review and approve plans of subdivision within the Town to the Town of Greater Napanee.

The Town recommends a pre-consultation meeting be held prior to submission of an Application for Plan of Subdivision.

The Plan of Subdivision process considers extensive infrastructure works and approvals. In addition to public input, review may be required from other agencies or consultants specialized in specific areas of design and development. 

For information in alternate formats, please contact Hollie Knapp-Fisher

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