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Budget and Finance

The Town develops an annual operating budget to pay for a wide range of municipal services including corporate, fire and emergency services, roads and parks maintenance, planning services.  The Town also prepares multi-year capital budgets which fund capital infrastructure replacement and renewal, and other capital priorities as determined by Town Council. The annual budget determines the revenues required from property taxation which are then used to set final tax rates.

Do you know what services your property taxes pay for? View our Breakdown of 2024 Property Taxes.

Looking for more information on the 2025 budget? View our 2025 Proposed Budget Highlights

General Budget Information:

The Annual Operating Budget provides funding for services including governance, police and fire protection, road and existing infrastructure maintenance, parks, recreation and cultural services, and planning and economic development services.

The Annual Capital Budget provides for investments in key strategic priorities for the Town's future and covers costs of constructing and renewing buildings, roads, parks and equipment replacement.

The budget involves planning of operations and activities to manage revenues and expenditures in a responsible manner. Aligned with the Strategic Plan, our Town Budget consists of operating and capital budgets. 

Town Budget Summaries:

Learn how our Municipal budget works:

Financial Services Department Fees - By-law No. 2024-0028: A By-law to Establish Tax Rates and to Provide for the Collection of Taxes for the Year 2024

  • Duplicate Tax Receipt $ 5.00
  • Duplicate Tax Bill $10.00
  • N.S.F. Cheque Administration Fee $25.00
  • Statement of Tax Account $10.00
  • Tax Account History - three years and over $25.00/hr with a minimum charge of 1hr
  • Tax Certificate $60.00

For more information on Property Taxes, please see our Property Taxes page.

For more information on Water and Wastewater Billing, please see our Pay My Water Bill page.

The financial reports for The Corporate of The Town of Greater Napanee are the representations of management and have been approved by Council. They have been prepared in accordance with Canadian Public-Sector Accounting Standards.

The consolidated financial statements reflect the assets, liabilities, revenue, expenses, fund balances of the current, capital, and reserves of the reporting entity. The reporting entity is made up of all organizations, committees and local boards which are owned or controlled by the Town.

Interdepartmental or interorganizational transactions and balances between these organizations are eliminated. These consolidated financial statements include:

  • Napanee Business Improvement Area Association (BIA)
  • The Greater Napanee Water Supply and Pollution Control Public Utilities Commission o/a Greater Napanee Utilities

To view the Town of Greater Napanee's Financial Reports, please visit the Financial Reports section on our Reports, Studies and Plans page. 

The unfortunate reality of today is that COVID-19 is resulting in people dealing with financial hardships. If you require assistance at this time, please visit Lennox & Addington County's website for information on different supports available to help you.

Applications for grants are received by the Community Foundation for Lennox & Addington from various non-profit community organizations. The Community Foundation for Lennox & Addington and the Town of Greater Napanee have executed a Municipal Grants Program Administration and Management Agreement where the Town appoints and empowers the Foundation as its agent to administer and manage its municipal grants program since 2017. To apply for the Greater Napanee Grants Program, please see the Community Foundation for Lennox & Addington's website.

Requests are reviewed by the Grant Making Committee and considered against the requirements of the various funds. 

For more information on applying for grants, please see the Community Foundation for Lennox & Addington website.

Information on the Greater Napanee - Atura Power Community Development Fund

Apply for Community Funding:

Giving back to the communities where Atura Power operates always has been and always will be part of our everyday culture. It's all part of being an employer of choice, a good neighbour and a trusted community partner. 

In the case of Napanee, a Community Development Fund has been built into the Greater Napanee-Atura Host Agreement. It provides $2 million over the next 20 years (beginning in 2014) to help fund community projects. A Committee, comprised of staff from the Town of Greater Napanee and Atura review applications and make all funding decisions.

Are you part of a community group that would like to apply for the Atura Community Development funding? We’d love to hear from you. We look to support organizations and initiatives that:

  • Create positive and broad impacts on the community
  • Align with one or more of Atura’s corporate focus areas – safety, community, or the environment
  • Are visible in the community and easy to recognize the benefit
  • Address an identified community need and can demonstrate outcomes
  • Are community based organizations that have been in existence for at least three years prior to applying for funding

To apply for funding, please read the Atura Power Host Agreement below and then fill out the application. 

Greater Napanee-Atura Host Agreement Community Project Funding On-line Application

Once you have completed the application, please submit the form by email with "Atura Grant Application" in the subject line to Kylie Huffman.

Atura Power Host Agreement

Criteria for Funding:

Under the terms of the Town of Greater Napanee - Atura Power Host Agreement (Town-Atura Agreement), to be eligible for funding applicants must meet the following criteria:

  1. Aligns with one or more of Atura's focus areas of safety, community or the environment, or other areas acceptable to Atura.
  2. Aligns with the current focus of the Town of Greater Napanee which includes: health and well-being; personal safety and security; environment and sustainability; recreation; housing; arts, culture and heritage.
  3. Visible in the community; easy to recognize the benefit and to communicate the contribution locally.
  4. Creates positive and broad impacts on the community.
  5. Addresses an identified need of and benefits the community.
  6. The lead organization involved in the project must be community-based and must have been in existence in the community (or have a parent organization that has been in existence) for at least three (3) years prior to applying for funding. 
Additional Background:

In 2015, with the support of the Town and Atura, the Napanee District Community Foundation undertook its first Vital Signs study - a snap shot of the current key priorities of the community as well as a ranking by residents of how well the community is doing to address these priorities. 

While all of these priorities are important to the community, residents responding to a Vital Signs survey indicated that a large majority felt the community is doing either an excellent or good job with four of the priority issues - health and well-being; personal safety and security; environment and sustainability; and arts, culture and heritage. However, fewer respondents were satisfied with the way the community is addressing housing and recreation.

Based on the results of this study, at the present time the Town's key focus will be on housing and recreation, while Atura's current Community Investment criteria focuses on:


Atura is committed to the safety and well-being of the communities near our operations and fund initiatives that enable emergency personnel to respond quickly and effectively to local needs and focus on emergency preparedness, accident prevention and education and training.


Atura is committed to building strong and vibrant communities and supports organizations and initiatives that bring communities together, develop leadership and engage citizens.


Atura is committed to protecting the environment and works with national and local organizations to conserve important habitat, protect species at risk and educate individuals about the importance of the environment.

For information in alternate formats, please contact Hollie Knapp-Fisher

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